Category: Health

  • Heart-Healthy Benefits of Omega-3

    Heart-Healthy Benefits of Omega-3

    Omega-3 fatty acids are a family of fats that are important for the body. Omega-3 fats are essential for the proper function of the body’s cells because they form part of the cell membrane (the structure that separates the interior of the cell from its surroundings) and are responsible for the proper function of receptors…

  • How the Brain Responds to Different Types of Exercise

    How the Brain Responds to Different Types of Exercise

    Exercise is great for the brain. We know that different types of exercise benefit the body in different ways. Researchers now know that low- and high-intensity exercise have different effects on the brain, at rest after exercising. Both types of exercise boost mood. But researchers notice changes in specific brain functions after certain types of…

  • How Working With Your Pharmacist Can Help You Adhere to Your Treatment Plan and Improve Your Health

    How Working With Your Pharmacist Can Help You Adhere to Your Treatment Plan and Improve Your Health

    Treatment Non-adherence at a Glance50% of patients in developed countries don’t take their medications as prescribed. 20% to 30% of new prescriptions are never filled. Poor adherence causes 30% to 50% of treatment failures and 125,000 deaths per year in the US among patients diagnosed with a chronic disease.  Patients diagnosed with chronic illness, like diabetes…

  • Can Your Mindset Affect Your Health? How Gratitude Boosts Your Immune System, Improves Heart Health, and More

    Can Your Mindset Affect Your Health? How Gratitude Boosts Your Immune System, Improves Heart Health, and More

    New research is providing mounting evidence that gratitude has a major impact on physical and mental health. What is gratitude? In short, gratitude is being thankful—noticing and appreciating the positive things in life.  Gratitude promotes optimism and happiness, but it can also provide important health benefits.  Gratitude Improves Heart Health  Recent studies suggest that gratitude…

  • How Can Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) Help Aging Men?

    How Can Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) Help Aging Men?

    Testosterone is a hormone that is important for the male body. It regulates sex drive, maintains bone mass, and helps facilitate the production of red blood cells. As men age, levels of testosterone decline. Between the ages of 30 and 40, testosterone levels in men can start to decrease by as much as one percent…

  • How to Get Long-Lasting Results From Your Healthy New Year’s Resolutions

    How to Get Long-Lasting Results From Your Healthy New Year’s Resolutions

    The New Year is a time when millions of Americans decide to change unhealthy behaviors and adopt healthy habits, but few people maintain their resolutions. As with any goal, it can be difficult to stay on track and achieve the final results. How can you stay focused and achieve your New Year’s health resolutions?  Start…