Category: Nutrition

  • Why Is It Important to Stay Hydrated?

    Why Is It Important to Stay Hydrated?

    Water is considered one of the most important nutrients and is essential to most bodily functions. According to the United States Geological Survey, adults’ bodies are made up of as much as 60% water. As you can see, our bodies depend on water. But why exactly is it important to stay hydrated? It Helps Regulate…

  • What Is the Gut Microbiome and Why Is it So Important?

    What Is the Gut Microbiome and Why Is it So Important?

    Within the gastrointestinal (GI) tract lives a community of microorganisms called the gut microbiome, also called the gut flora and gut microbiota. The gut microbiome not only plays a crucial role in digestion and metabolism, but forms part of an important relationship between the gut and the rest of the body.   The Gut Microbiome Helps…

  • How to Keep Your Bones Healthy and Prevent Osteoporosis

    How to Keep Your Bones Healthy and Prevent Osteoporosis

    Loss of bone mass is a common occurrence of aging. Around the age of 40, the body starts to lose bone density and the risk of developing osteoporosis increases. Osteoporosis occurs when enough bone mass has been lost, that the bones become fragile and can be easily fractured from falls or even minor bumps.   Bones…

  • “Why Am I So Tired?” How Prolonged Stress, Vitamin Deficiency, and Poor Diet Contribute to Low Energy

    “Why Am I So Tired?” How Prolonged Stress, Vitamin Deficiency, and Poor Diet Contribute to Low Energy

    Feeling tired now and again is normal. But feeling tired constantly while also feeling unmotivated and unable to concentrate could indicate fatigue. When someone feels low energy for a prolonged amount of time, or “tired all the time,” they are most likely fatigued. When symptoms of fatigue last for six months or longer, this is…

  • What is Blood Pressure, and Why Is it Important to Be in a Normal Range?

    What is Blood Pressure, and Why Is it Important to Be in a Normal Range?

    Normal blood pressure is crucial to maintaining optimal cardiovascular and circulatory health. Blood pressure is responsible for delivering blood throughout the body and returning it to the heart. This happens through a system of blood vessels called veins, arteries, and capillaries.  How Does Blood Pressure Work? Each time the heart beats, it sends blood to…

  • 4 Ways to Optimize Thyroid Health

    4 Ways to Optimize Thyroid Health

    The thyroid is one of many glands that form the endocrine system. It is found in front of the neck just above the base of the throat. The thyroid produces and regulates specific hormones involved in several functions in the body, including: -Body temperature -Bodyweight -Breathing -Heart rate -The menstrual cycle When the thyroid is…

  • Suffer From Migraines? You May Be Able to Prevent or Control Migraine Attacks

    Suffer From Migraines? You May Be Able to Prevent or Control Migraine Attacks

    Migraines affect more than 39 million people in the US, including children, and are considered the third most common illness worldwide. Some people may only experience a migraine once or twice a month, but those who suffer from chronic migraines can have an attack 15 or more days per month. Migraines are more serious than…

  • How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off: Addressing the Global Obesity Epidemic, a Major Risk Factor for Serious Chronic Illness

    How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off: Addressing the Global Obesity Epidemic, a Major Risk Factor for Serious Chronic Illness

    Obesity affects nearly 2 billion adults, 340 million children and adolescents, and 41 million children under the age of five worldwide. It affects both children and adults, men and women, and individuals in both developed and third-world countries. In other words, obesity does not discriminate. The reasons why an individual becomes obese are complex and…

  • 4 Nutrients That May Help Protect Against Memory Loss

    4 Nutrients That May Help Protect Against Memory Loss

    Currently, Alzheimer’s disease (the most common cause of dementia) and mild cognitive impairment affect more than six million people in the US. Contrary to popular belief, memory disorders are not an inevitable part of aging. In fact, a number of research studies are showing that certain nutrients may help protect against a decline in cognitive…