Tag: heart health

  • Heart Disease and Stroke: Understanding Risk Factors and Prevention

    Heart Disease and Stroke: Understanding Risk Factors and Prevention

    According to the CDC, cardiovascular disease (heart disease) is the leading cause of death in the US. Heart disease is a term that refers to numerous conditions, including coronary artery disease and stroke. By knowing your risk factors and taking charge of your health, it’s possible to lower your risk of or even prevent heart…

  • Tips for Getting Fit at Home: No Gym Required

    Tips for Getting Fit at Home: No Gym Required

    The weather is getting colder, gyms are closed, and COVID-19 restrictions are in full effect. It may be tempting to want to hibernate and forget about doing any physical activity when you’re stuck inside, but exercise is important to physical and mental health. Exercise: Reduces the risk of heart disease Helps maintain a healthy weight…

  • Heart-Healthy Benefits of Omega-3

    Heart-Healthy Benefits of Omega-3

    Omega-3 fatty acids are a family of fats that are important for the body. Omega-3 fats are essential for the proper function of the body’s cells because they form part of the cell membrane (the structure that separates the interior of the cell from its surroundings) and are responsible for the proper function of receptors…