Tag: low blood pressure

  • What is Sepsis? and How to Notice the Warning Signs

    What is Sepsis? and How to Notice the Warning Signs

    Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that develops when the body has an extreme and uncontrolled reaction to an infection. Common causes of sepsis include pneumonia and urinary tract infection. However, any infection, including COVID-19 and influenza, can lead to sepsis. Knowing the signs of sepsis can help you know when to seek help in order…

  • What is Blood Pressure, and Why Is it Important to Be in a Normal Range?

    What is Blood Pressure, and Why Is it Important to Be in a Normal Range?

    Normal blood pressure is crucial to maintaining optimal cardiovascular and circulatory health. Blood pressure is responsible for delivering blood throughout the body and returning it to the heart. This happens through a system of blood vessels called veins, arteries, and capillaries.  How Does Blood Pressure Work? Each time the heart beats, it sends blood to…