Tag: lungs

  • Why Is It Important to Stay Hydrated?

    Why Is It Important to Stay Hydrated?

    Water is considered one of the most important nutrients and is essential to most bodily functions. According to the United States Geological Survey, adults’ bodies are made up of as much as 60% water. As you can see, our bodies depend on water. But why exactly is it important to stay hydrated? It Helps Regulate…

  • Which is Best: Inhaler or Nebulizer? How to Choose the Best Asthma Treatment for You or Your Child

    Which is Best: Inhaler or Nebulizer? How to Choose the Best Asthma Treatment for You or Your Child

    Asthma is a condition characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the airways in the lungs. Patients diagnosed with asthma can find relief from their symptoms using inhaled medications. Both inhalers and nebulizers are used to deliver medications to the lungs for relief from asthma symptoms. These devices administer medication differently and require a different level…